
Trip to the Beautiful City of Venice

Venice is the city of inspiration it is rich with beautiful architecture and artwork, and last year I was lucky enough to visit the sites myself on a trip across Europe. I began in the depths of the Midlands and travelled all the way to Italy by train, stopping at the many renowned cities in Italy including Pisa and Rome. Venice was the most inspiring city I had ever visited around every corner was a new site and a new opportunity to attempt my love of photography, so today I thought I would share with you some of the amazing sites I saw along the way, enjoy:

DSCN2860The first set of these images were taken on a peaceful tour around the waters of the city on one of the classic yellow boats which appears below. It is an extremely cheap way to travel through the city, weaving through the gondolas, I could see why it is known as a city of love.

DSCN2883One major stand out for me in Italy was the wonderful architecture that makes this city a beautiful place to visit, the beautiful architecture (above) is something I find truly remarkable and in itself a magnificent peace of artwork.

DSCN2927The Gondolas in Venice have been the traditional way of travelling through Venice for years and are a beautiful piece of structure. It was wonderful to see the Gondolas wind through the waters and streets of Venice, I wasn’t lucky enough to travel in one but just watching them drift by was an experience in itself.




 Those were just some final images of my short but delightful visit to the city of Venice, it was one of the most breathtaking places I have been, and I like to travel, I am definitely going to be visiting some time in the foreseeable future and I truly recommend a holiday here. I hope you enjoyed my first blog, and give me any feedback or advice in the comments I would truly appreciate it. Thank you for reading.

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